Covariate data file of the discovery dataset when the outcome is binary. This contains covariate information of the individuals in the discovery dataset following confounders.
Covariate data file of the target dataset when the outcome is binary. This contains covariate information of the individuals in the target dataset following confounders.
Phenotype data file of the discovery dataset when the outcome is binary. This contains phenotype information of the individuals in the discovery dataset.
Covariate data file of the discovery dataset when the outcome is quantitative. This contains covariate information of the individuals in the discovery dataset following confounders.
Covariate data file of the target dataset when the outcome is quantitative. This contains covariate information of the individuals in the target dataset following confounders.
Phenotype data file of the discovery dataset when the outcome is quantitative. This contains phenotype information of the individuals in the discovery dataset.
Phenotype data file of the target dataset when the outcome is quantitative. This contains phenotype information of the individuals in the target dataset.